Fred And Lori's Story
- Date Submitted: Apr 7, 2022
- Category: Patient Story

“ Second Chances For a Baby”
When Fred and his wife Lori married five years ago, they agreed that it would be wonderful to raise a child together. It was a second marriage for both, and although Fred had two grown children from his first marriage, Lori hadn’t had children.
However, since Fred had a vasectomy 20 years earlier, the couple doubted they could conceive a child naturally. “We thought it was too long ago to be reversed. So we decided to look into adoption,” explained Fred.
They wanted to adopt a girl, and because they were comfortable with an older child up to age 12, they were quite stunned that the adoption agency was unable to find them a daughter.
After a year and a half of waiting and disappointment, Fred and Lori separately began researching vasectomy reversal specialists online. They visited Chesapeake Urology’s vasectomy reversal specialists for a consult. What they found out lifted their spirits.
“I was surprised when the surgeon told me that she had just successfully reversed a vasectomy for a man who had his 30 years earlier,” said Fred. “The surgeon explained that the time since a vasectomy did not affect the outcome.”
Fred had his vasectomy reversal performed at the end of November. The results were amazing. In January – just two months later – he and Lori found out they were pregnant. “The pregnancy happened so quickly that we hadn’t even gone back for the tests to see if my sperm had returned! It was great that it happened so fast because of our ages.” The couple, aged 49 and 33 years, were of course delighted.
“I’m very excited to be a dad again,” said Fred. “This is something wonderful for both my wife and me.”