Dr. Hartman is a Godsend!
- Date Submitted: Feb 4, 2022
- Category: Testimonial

Dr. Hartman is a Godsend! I was so embarrassed about my situation: urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. In my case, my cervix was protruding from the vaginal area. Physically, I had no bladder control. The protrusion made it difficult to maintain quality hygiene and to urinate. I felt like a freak and was afraid to be in public areas (after suddenly wetting my jeans in the grocery store). Dr. Hartman outlined a process in which she would partner with an OB/GYN, and this dynamic duo has given me back my sense of dignity and confidence. I had a hysterectomy (no more protrusion!) and Dr. Hartman repaired my pelvic area so that I now have full bladder control. She is incredibly bright, but she is also friendly and forthright. She treats her patients as equals working through their medical issues. If you have problems similar to mine, don't delay- call her! She WILL listen and HELP!